Thursday, April 28, 2011

Glace's Sir Gallagher Pigdog

Graphite on Paper. Old Drawing found again.
This drawing was done before I became a painting 4 1/2 years ago.
I was just playing around with a sketch pad, and drew a protrait of my pet
Englsh Bulldog- Sir Gallager. Dumb, but so pretty that you
just had to love him. I still miss him. Since he passed away,
I have had Great Danes, Great Pyranees Mountain Dogs
and - now we have a Newfoundland- Miquelon,
named after an island off the coast of Newfoundland.

It was fun finding a drawing I did years ago, before I really started to
spend time painting, and it broght back such wonderful memories.


1 comment:

  1. Animal sketching is always a great way to start learning how to to draw. Mixed with the right style of frame and mount board such simple sketch can turn into an exceptional work of art.
